The Pilot issue 323
Spring 2017 – 322

In this Issue:
SPRING 2017 No. 322
128th Annual Conference
IEC Course
Liverpool Product Review: Pilots Cycle 250'
Transas Pilot Pro App
Book Review: Shiphandling with Azimuthing Podded Propulsors
Summer 2016 (321)

In this Issue:
Portable Pilot Unit Workshop
250 Years of the Liverpool Pilot Service (Part 1)
The Invisible Killer
Future Ships
Climate Data Gets Seal of Approval
Maritime Cyber Attacks
Spring 2016 (320)

In this Issue:
Chairman’s report: John Pearn
Message from outgoing chairman: Don Cockrill
127th Annual Conference: Mike robarts
Delegates’ Lloyds visit: John Clandillon-Baker
Criminality in the law of pilotage: Barrie Youde
Concept Ship: DNV
Piloting at the edge of chaos: Peter McArthur
APPMPG: Mike Robarts
Pilots Golf: Peter Ryder