October 2007 (291)

In this Issue:
The Pilot gigs of Cornwall & The Scilly Isles
Retirement: Ralph Bird, gig builder
New pilot cutter design. The french “ORC”
Obituary: Colin Vine
Status of a Pilot
Permanent International Association of Navigation Congresses (PIANC)
July 2007 (290)

In this Issue:
Crimson Mars Grounding
GMDSS revalidation for UK pilots
Criminalisation of Mariners (including pilots)
Employment v Self employment of UK Pilots
Sunk VTS suspended!
Sailing on Logos 2 : Chris Hughes (Europilots)
Future of UKMPA? The Responses
Obituaries: Bruce Fulton, gerald smith,
HMS Worcester
Brief History of HQS Wellington (IMPA HQ)
April 2007 (289)

In this Issue:
Maritime Lady, Sunny Blossom, Arctic Ocean: Report into Collision off Brunsbuttel
New Technology Radar: Kelvin Hughes’ “Sharpeye”.
UKMPA : The Future? by Avald Wymark (Bristol)
Obituaries: Alec Rollinson, John simpson, Len Sidgwick, Geoffrey Harrison, John Temple
Retired Pilots meet up in Tampa, David Ingham (ex Trinity House Harwich), Robert Holden (ex Panama Canal), Donald Mercereau (ex Sandy Hook / New York)
January 2007 (288)

In this Issue:
119th UKMPA conference
Retirement: Paul Haysom, Section committee member & Great Yarmouth pilot
Piloting the Emma Maersk. Harwich haven pilot Andy Adams
Belfast Self Employment
Retirement: Dave Devey, Section committee member & Liverpool pilot
Pilots wanted in Paris!