October 2008 (295)
In this Issue:
Feature: The Pivot Point?
19th IMPA congress
IMPA Report (PIANC Meeting)
Technical & Training report
Pensions News
Pilots’ golfing Society
Belfast: Carbon Neutral
PEC abuse
Tees retirement: Paul Dunn
July 2008 (294)
In this Issue:
119th UKMPA conference
The Humber Case
Pilots Under Siege?
Maritime Memories Cruise
Chairman’s Report
Pension News
The Cosco Busan
Book Review
EMPA Football
The Marine Bill
April 2008 (293)
In this Issue:
Squat 2 Mud Navigation & Negative Under Keel Clearance
Squat update: What Squat?
Retirements: John Marshal & Alan Purvis. End of an era on the Tyne
To be a pilot: Career or Destiny. The story of a pilot family by David Raddings (ex HPL)
Civil & Criminal Liabilities in Pilotage
The Bridge Teram: Master /Pilot relationship
Obituaries : Daniel McMillan, Anthony Thurgood
Letter: Squat Feedback
January 2008 (292)
In this Issue:
Squat Part 1
Mysteries of Pilotage by Barrie Youde
Is This Bridge Fit For Purpose?
Pilot Gigs update
Belfast Pilots. Letter ref self employment
Obituary: Eric Wray
Meester Pilot, Where are you again? Another grounding (Maersk Diadema) off a port approach
Retired Liverpool pilot, Dave Devey reveives the MN medal
Dyneema: a new mooring rope