November 2009 (299)

In this Issue:
Feature: The Bristol Channel Sailing Pilot “Skiffs”
Pensions news (P6)
Technical & Training (P7)
Pilotage skills win Thames barge match (P8)
SeaWork 2009 (P9)
Letter: Pilot training (P10)
Letter: Liverpool pilot retirements (P10)
Pilotage Standards: “Unrealistic & Unworkable”!! (P11)
Pilots’ golfing society (P11)
Obituaries (P12)
Fort Camosun & Submarine I-25 (P13)
July 2009 (298)

In this Issue:
Feature: Cosco Busan and criminalisation of pilots
Pensions news
Pilot ladders & Rocknes update
45th EMPA football tournament
Liverpool retirements
121st UKMPA conference report
Authorisation limits
Pilot standards
Obituary: John Frankish
April 2009 (297)

In this Issue:
Feature: Fog & Pilotage
Pensions News (page 7)
Pilot Cutter Protector (8)
Cosco Busan: Pilot pleads guilty (10)
Obituaries (11)
Book Reviews (12)
January 2009 (296)

In this Issue:
Feature: MarNIS & POADSS
Pension News (5)
T&TC Report (6)
Dead Slow Ahead! (7)
Ship to Ship transfer 1970’s (8)
Piloting Britain’s largest gas import (9)
Merchant Navy Medals (10)
Obituaries (11)
Liverpool plots MRM course (12)
Book Review: Square Rigger Days (14)